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They land in the ocean and choke sea turtles, kill dolphins and whales, and the ribbons entangle birds. 

Many times, they end up on a beach as litter. Even the ones marked "biodegradable" can hurt animals before they have a chance to break down. 

Animals far from the ocean, such as horses, have been hurt and killed by balloons (they eat them when they land in their hay or they get spooked and bolt). Some balloons have started fires when they got entangled in power lines. 

Sky lanterns have set homes, power lines, trees, and buildings on fire.

Sky lanterns can also entangle an animal even if it is marketed as "biodegradable." 

There are many safe alternatives to releasing litter into the air, such as planting a tree for your loved one and watching it bloom, or blowing bubbles into the air. 

Grief is a painful process.Geography Times YouTube In our grief, we do not need to cause others grief. While there are many environmental problems facing our planet, this is a very simple one to solve.-borrowed but true


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